
What are mobile field shelters?

Mobile field shelters are quick, simple, sturdy, and versatile sheltering solutions for horses, donkeys, goats, sheep, pigs, or llamas. We’ve also seen many customers erect mobile field shelters for alternative uses too, such as to store hay, farm machinery and general storage. Usually built on skids, mobile field shelters are easy to move around your fields or…

Stable for Ponies

The Perfect Stable for a Pony

The Perfect Stable for a Pony We have stables for every type of horse owner, whether you have one or two small ponies or an entire livery yard’s worth of professional racehorses. Just because ponies are on the small side, it doesn’t mean they do not need a suitable environment to live and shelter.  As…

Homemade horse treats

Homemade horse treats

Homemade horse treats There’s nothing better than a handmade gift to let the receiver know how much they are loved. Horses are no different. They will appreciate your effort and will feel nothing but good vibes from, and for you. Plus, nothing spells love better than T-I-M-E. We have had a good search around for…

pumpkin field

Can horses eat pumpkin?

It’s that time of year again when pumpkins are aplenty. You may be wondering if your horse(s) can join in all the fun and enjoy a pumpkin treat too? Well, we think they will struggle with carving them or decorating with them but, you’ll be pleased to know that orange pumpkins, including the seeds, are…